The Lion and The Unicorn


Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

(with apologies to the late Jimmy Buffet) Sometimes I remember that I have an honest to god blog with its own domain – and occasionally I Remember that before the bill for the domain comes in. I feel like I’ve been pulled in a lot of directions this year, both mentally and physically (2023 boasts…

Did You Miss Me?

Recommended listening: ‘The Sign’, Lizzo I haven’t been twerking and making smoothies, but I am indeed back. Since the last time I posted (more than two years ago, time flies when you’re living crisis to crisis) I have moved, and moved, and moved. I’ve worked, rediscovered cross-stitch, played all the video games, had two birthdays…

Music & Memory

In late summer of 1996, I bought three albums. (What’s the story) Morning Glory by Oasis, To the Faithful Departed by The Cranberries and Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness by The Smashing Pumpkins. I bought these three on CD, from a CD store. (Gather ’round my rocking chair and Auntie will tell you all…

True Story, No Glory

With appropriate apologies to Lizzo. Whenever I am asked that old chestnut of an icebreaker ‘tell us one interesting fact about you’ I usually respond with something relating to the number of times I have moved in my adult life. It’s simple and gives people a properly moderated view of my sanity. (At last count…


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